Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Spring in his step

Yesterday morning, whilst travelling to work, I met the happiest commuter I've ever seen.

Rather than trudging his way to the office as so many of us do, when he left the tube station he broke into a skip.

I've just realised that 'broke into a skip' is an odd turn of phrase - there was no breaking-and-entering a refuse building material container. This happy chappy was actually skipping down the road to work, knapsack on his back, tie fluttering in the early morning breeze.

It was a really happy moment. Several of my fellow commuters couldn't help but smile as he pranced into the distance, and for a moment spring had truely sprung.

Comparatively, the Evening Standard reported chaos caused by snow in the South. I'm pleased to report that the sun shone in London and everything in the garden was beautiful. Even the birds managed a cheerful chirp between sneezes.

I think everyone should consider skipping to work. It's hard to be grim when the sun is shining and you're bouncing along care-free. I imagine that maybe the guy was particularly happy because he'd just proposed marriage or had won a competition, but I prefer to think that he was just skipping for the hell of it. That's one hell of a V-sign to terrorism, and I salute him.


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